Thursday, October 11, 2007

Walk-a-Thon a huge success

On Wednesday, the children of our school participated in their annual walk-a-thon, and it was a huge success. The children walked to the Community Center where they were greeted by a DJ, several game stations including water balloon tosses and dodge ball, as well as a lesson in fire prevention in the Safety House.

In keeping with the school's wellness policy, the children were provided with bananas, apples, and bottled water before their trek back to the school. Students then enjoyed a pep rally in the gym where prizes were awarded to the top sellers, as well as to the winners of the raffles. The top selling class won a bowling party, and the top seller from each grade won lunch at Larosa's with Ms. O'Leary. Not to mention that they'll arrive there in a limo!

The kids all seemed to have a great time, and they raised over $23,000.00 for the school! Thanks to all in the community who contributed to this great fund raiser!