Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What does a Catholic Believe?

Say a prayer of thanks for the Knights of Columbus! On their website, they've posted a series of podcasts explaining many aspects of our Catholic faith. The lessons are based on the book Catholic Christianity by Peter Kreeft. As of today, there are 16 different podcasts up, ranging in topic from the Eucharist, to Matrimony, to Baptism and Penance and everything in between.

The site has instructions for downloading the audio files to your computer, which can then be loaded onto an iPod or other MP3 player. Listen in the car, while you walk, at work, anywhere. It's guaranteed to be more fruitful than Kanye's latest!

Best of all, it's free! The first step to becoming a better Catholic, or a better person, it to understand what the Church teaches us. Too often we think we know what the Church teaches, but really our idea has come from a misunderstanding, a stereotype, or a misrepresentation in the media. The teachings presented in these podcasts are very clear, and loyal to the Magisterium (teaching body of bishops) of the Church. If you're struggling to accept any Church teaching, do yourself a favor and listen to the podcast that covers it.

Click here to get started. And remember that you can click the envelope below this post to send it to a friend. This is a blessing - accept it!

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