Friday, December 7, 2007

Parish Finances

Have you filled out a card for the new diocesan offertory program? Why or why not? What do you think works or doesn't work with stewardship? What are your suggestions for paying for the needs of the parish and diocese? Click the comments link below to offer your thoughts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, I filled out a stewardship card. I think to encourage stewardship on a parish level, the focus needs to be on giving back to God of the many generous gifts we have been given, not how much it costs to keep the school running before we have to charge tuition. Everything we have is a gift from God, and I think we need to be reminded gently, but frequently, (e.g. monthly reminders in the bulletin) that we have been greatly blessed, and that it is our duty to give back to God of what we have been given. How can we honestly say we have not been given enough to share our gifts generously?