Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fund Raiser/Parish Stewardship Opportunity

Last year the Athletic Club was unable to secure volunteers to help work and run a concession stand during the Saturday and Sunday basketball league games. Money was lost and guests to the games were for the most part denied drinks and snacks for themselves and players. In an effort to revive this fund raiser and to offer such treats to our guests, Ron Bertsch has agreed to organize the purchasing and overall coordination of the concessions. Volunteers and Team Captains are still needed to actually work the concessions.

We are asking that nine teams be formed with needed captains from each grade level K thru 8 from our school. It would make sense that basketball player’s parents be the first to sign up to create these teams but knowing that these same parents are also busy during this season transporting and watching their children play in various games and leagues possibly held at other venues, we are also asking for all parishioners to help fill these teams.

Only a few workers are needed for each shift (Saturday approximately from 8-4 and Sundays from 1-5 probably four 2 hour shifts on Sat. and three 2 hr shifts on Sunday). Hopefully each team would only be scheduled to work a maximum of two weekends the entire basketball season – and if captains can get enough workers on their teams, this could be easily broken down. We also hope to use these teams of volunteers to do some general cleanup of the gym, bathrooms and bleachers during their shifts.

The schedule will start November 15 weekend and close shortly after the Mustang Tournament. Grandparents, aunts/uncles, friends, big brothers/sisters (HS service project?) or anyone willing to help lead or work on a team representing each grade level please call or write to Ron Bertsch at 431-2890 or To date, we have about four teams covered but I really need captains for the five more grade levels. (Eric Schneider, Tessy Krebs, Tom Powers, Julie Bertsch have agreed to be captains so far)- just need a few more!!!!

It was proposed to the Athletic Club that the monies raised would be split between the Club and Father Heitzman to be used at his discretion but likely for the maintenance fund. However, Jim Deaton counter proposed that all the money go to Father or (one other idea that is stirring is to help the 8th graders partially fund their annual field trip if they want to volunteer and work a good portion of the shifts). So all potential volunteers please know this is not just an Athletic Club fund raiser or event but something that can be a great stewardship opportunity for the entire parish. Thanks and please contact Ron with your interest.

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