Monday, September 7, 2009

"We Should Have a Longing and a Passion to Illumine All Peoples With the Light of Christ"

This is the Pope's message to us on Mission Sunday. He goes on to say:

"I strongly reiterate what was so frequently affirmed by my venerable Predecessors: the Church works not to extend her power or assert her dominion, but to lead all people to Christ, the salvation of the world."

Remember that we are all called to evangelize the world around us. This is not something that's to be left solely in the hands of clergy and theologians. 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to always be ready to give a reason for our hope. Are you?

An excellent way to grow in your faith is to become an RCIA sponsor. A couple of hours once a week will turn out to enrich your life more than the person you came to support!! (Ask anyone who's done it.)

We give more time than that to hobbies, working out, or sports - will you do the same to offer spiritual support to someone embracing the Catholic faith? Call the rectory if you'd like to sign up!

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